Madeleine Cook
Madeleine Cook is a photojournalist with the Ledger-Enquirer in Columbus, Georgia, where she concentrates on the Covid-19 pandemic and its fallout. Originally from Georgia and North Carolina, she holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from George Washington University/Corcoran School in Washington, D.C. There, she was a Luther Rice Fellow in refugee studies and a Shatz Scholar in Photography in Jerusalem and also graduated magna cum laude. As an undergraduate, Cook interned at USA Today Visuals, NPR's Science Desk, Agence France-Presse and The Morning Call based in Allentown, Pennsylvania. After graduation, she drove cross-country to be a Pulliam Fellow at the Arizona Republic, and then to Salem, Oregon, where she was a photojournalist at the Statesman Journal taking on daily photo and video assignments, producing galleries and covering the long-term impact of homelessness in Oregon. She is an Eddie Adams Workshop XXXII 2019 Participant.