Vicki Adame
MPR News
Hispanic communities in Minnesota
Meet our Corps Members. Incredible journalists, plus veterans, career changers, and even Olympians. You can use the categories below to filter by location, beat, medium, and year.
MPR News
Hispanic communities in Minnesota
The Associated Press-St. Paul, Minnesota
Minnesota statehouse
100 Days in Appalachia
Religion in Appalachia
Michigan Chronicle
Community impacts of Detroit's economic-mobility programs
Sahan Journal
Immigration policy especially affecting the Hmong Somali and Latino communities
The Associated Press-Sacramento, California
California statehouse
The Salt Lake Tribune
Video storytelling
The Missouri Independent
Holes in the state's social safety net
K-12 education in Marion County
The Associated Press-Denver, Colorado
Colorado statehouse
The Beacon
Education reporter in Kansas City
The Washington Informer
The effects of climate change in Washington, D.C.
Anchorage Daily News /
Healthcare and public health in Alaska
Victoria Advocate
The local energy industry
Voice of OC
South Orange County, CA
San Antonio Express-News
Political dysfunction in suburban towns
Wyoming energy beat
Effects of state budget policies on rural communities in Alaska
Nebraska Public Media
Portraits of Nebraskans, especially rural areas and residents of color
The Charlotte Post
Healthcare, African-American community in Charlotte
Report for America Podcast is about local reporting on the front lines of the country’s most urgent issues — from immigration to criminal justice to income inequality.