Our mission: To strengthen our communities and our democracy through local journalism that is truthful, fearless, fair and smart.
Local coverage has been decimated. Residents no longer get the information they need to understand the critical issues facing their community, to make good decisions for their family, and hold elected officials accountable.
We need a new model — one that calls an emerging generation of journalists to service, reporting in under-covered corners of America.
Report for America draws on successes of national and community service movements, as well as recent innovations in local news. An initiative of the nonprofit media organization The GroundTruth Project, it is structured to harness the skill and idealism of an emerging group of journalists plus the creative spirit of local news organizations. The program currently is supporting 59 talented journalists in 50 newsrooms.
Supporters include:
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Facebook, the Google News Initiative, The Tow Foundation, Galloway Family Foundation, Dirk and Natasha Ziff, the Ford Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the Heising-Simons Foundation, Select Equity Group Foundation, The Annenberg Foundation, The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, the Arthur Blank Foundation, and the Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation.
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