Danielle Duclos
Danielle DuClos reports on K-12 education in Green Bay, Wisconsin, for the Green Bay Press- Gazette, part of the USA Today Network. Prior to joining the Press-Gazette, DuClos reported for ABC News, The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting and the Anchorage Daily News. A recent graduate of the University of Missouri, where she was a state government reporter for the Columbia Missourian, the university’s community paper, DuClos holds a bachelor’s degree in investigative reporting and pre-law political science. She is passionate about the law and has interned for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Raised in Anchorage, Alaska, DuClos was a senior producer of “Podcast in Place,” a youth-run podcast that chronicled the impact of COVID-19 on Alaskan communities, and loves to spend time in the mountains and on the water.