Camille von Kaenel


Reporter Profile

Camille is an environment reporter who has covered growth and development in San Diego County’s backcountry for inewsource, the aftermath of the Camp fire in Northern California for the Chico Enterprise-Record, and climate policy and politics in Washington D.C. for E&E News. Born in Switzerland and raised in California, she has a bachelor’s in international relations from the University of Geneva and a master’s in journalism from Columbia University in New York.

Beat: Growth and development in San Diego County's backcountry

This Reporter does accountability and investigative reporting in San Diego County’s backcountry, with a focus on growth and development issues affecting the lives of the half million residents in this region, which stretches from the Mexican border north to Riverside County. The region is home to 18 Indian reservations and nine casinos, farms, a national forest, two state parks, Caltech’s Palomar Observatory and two U.S. Border Patrol checkpoints. There are 18 school districts, 10 water districts and eight fire districts. Yet it has received scant coverage.