DorMiya Vance is a multimedia reporter for WABE, the NPR and PBS affiliate serving metro Atlanta. A recent graduate with a bachelor’s degree from the communications and media program at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina, Vance was editor-in-chief of the student paper, The Voice, and has interned at The Fayetteville Observer. Vance says that she knew at an early age that she wanted to work as a writer, and she is passionate about telling stories.
Beat: Atlanta's Southside
This multimedia reporter provides daily coverage of metro Atlanta’s Southside including historically Black neighborhoods in south Fulton County, south DeKalb County and Clayton County, as well as portions of Douglas, Fayette, Henry and Rockdale counties. Covering changing demographics, immigration, housing and jobs, the reporter also examines the causes of economic inequality, holds local governments accountable and identifies success stories.