Michael J. Collins covers K-12 and higher education in Bowling Green, Kentucky, for Bowling Green Daily News’ daily print publication. Collins sees public education as essential to a healthy democracy and believes it often goes under appreciated. Prior to working at BGDN, he attended Western Kentucky University and worked at its school newspaper, the College Heights Herald. Starting his first year with no prior experience, Collins went from general reporting to Editor-in-Chief by junior year, earning the paper two Pacemaker awards in 2022. His first print publication as Editor-in-Chief covered the devastation brought on by Bowling Green’s December 2021 tornadoes. He spent his summers working at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, covering general multimedia stories, at Louisville Public Media’s WFPL radio station, writing and producing radio news segments, and at the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting, exploring rising costs in Kentucky prison commissaries and judicial oversight laws. He graduated with a B.A. in journalism in 2023.
Beat: K-12 and higher education
This journalist covers Western Kentucky University, a large regional university, and primary school systems in fast-growing south-central Kentucky. The education reporter covers all facets of WKU operations and local school systems, as well as topics related to higher and primary education. Some general assignment reporting is also part of the beat.