Sarah Spicer
Sarah Spicer reports for The Wichita Eagle and focuses on climate change in the region. While many news stories focus on climate change on the coasts, Kansas and the Midwest are seeing its effects, too, in terms of everything from extreme weather to cattle prices. An award winning investigative reporter, Spicer has been studying investigative techniques at The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism for the past year. While there, she worked as a student assistant for Columbia Journalism Investigations in partnership with ProPublica, investigating dating apps and sexual assault. She was Editor-in-Chief of her college paper, The Bulletin, at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas, for two years. While there, she wrote a groundbreaking investigative series about a professor who sexually assaulted an undergraduate student and how the university handled Title IX cases. The Kansas Press Association awarded the piece the best investigative story of the year, and The Bulletin won the Liberty Bell Award for Outstanding Service from the Chase and Lyon County Bar Association and the Above and Beyond Award from the Kansas Sunshine Coalition for the coverage. Spoon was born and raised in Neodesha, Kansas.