Yellowstone Public Radio

Yellowstone Public Radio, an NPR affiliate, is the largest public radio network in the continental United States. Covering Billings, Bozeman, Helena and the rural areas of Montana and Northern Wyoming, YPR is the definitive news source for many of rural listeners, distributing news content over its website and mobile app.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is the product of the 1995 merger of the Milwaukee Journal and Milwaukee Sentinel, newspapers that date to 1882 and 1837 respectively. After two transitions, we are part of the USA TODAY NETWORK, which includes 10 other newsrooms in Wisconsin and 109 newsrooms nationwide – a number that will grow with the pending Gannett-GateHouse merger. While we regularly do stories with national interest and impact, our focus is fiercely local. We cover Milwaukee, southeastern Wisconsin and the state like no one else does – or can. We are most proud of the day-to-day reporting that chronicles our community, informs our residents and holds officials accountable for what they do. We expose wrongdoing. We highlight programs that work. We engage the community. We help lead the search for solutions.

South Dakota Public Broadcasting

SDPB reaches South Dakotans through television, radio, and digital content. We are South Dakota’s NPR and PBS affiliate. We're the only statewide news organization in South Dakota operating 9 Television and 11 Radio stations covering over 97% of the state. Our strategic plan vision states SDPB is the media organization for all South Dakotans no matter where they live by 2033. We produce 15 daily newscasts, a two-hour daily radio public affairs program, an hour weekly television public affairs program, several podcasts, blog posts, news website and a robust Facebook following with featured digital videos.

Searchlight New Mexico

Searchlight New Mexico is a nonprofit investigative news organization that specializes in social justice issues. Our mission is to focus high-impact journalism on topics of local, regional and national interest in order to allow the public to see into the remote recesses of government and to expose abuses of power. We launched in January 2018 with a mandate to cover child and family well-being in New Mexico, which is by all measures - child poverty, child abuse, education, parental incarceration rates, drug and alcohol abuse - the worst place in America to grow up. We write deeply reported, narrative stories that address intractable problems and in just 18 months we have won major state and national journalism awards. More importantly, our work has triggered legislative proposals, major policy changes, and a statewide commitment (led by the new governor) to child well-being.

New Mexico in Depth

New Mexico In Depth is a seven-year-old, award-winning digital-first nonprofit media outlet that focuses on telling investigative, data-rich stories with an eye on solutions that lead to change. Our journalism not only has changed state laws but seeks out perspectives from those with less access to powerful people or institutions. Our work prioritizes issues important to underserved communities, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable among us: children, incarcerated people, low-income families, tribal communities. Public policy areas we specialize in are education, criminal justice, health, and good government reform.

Las Cruces Sun-News

The Las Cruces Sun-News is the largest of seven Gannett newspapers in New Mexico. We facilitate news coverage as a network, which is important because we plan to use this position to report from all seven sites. As a network, we publish four daily newspapers and three twice-weekly newspapers.  


KCAW serves Sitka and seven other communities, from Yakutat to Port Alexander — roughly the same distance between Washington, DC, and Columbus, Ohio. However, for those communities outside of Sitka, there is no other media source, and limited and unreliable internet. KCAW is the sole source of information about everything: from weather and tsunami warnings, to presidential elections.  


inewsource is a 10-year-old investigative nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom dedicated to improving lives in the San Diego region and beyond through impactful, data-based investigative and accountability journalism. We were founded in 2009 amid a deep recession and a catastrophic downsizing of newspapers and network media in San Diego and across the country. Some of the greatest casualties of the disruption were investigative journalists, bulldogs in the industry whose passion was uncovering wrongs and wrongdoers in the name of the public good. That is why we have made it our mission to fill that gap by delivering original investigative reporting that is precise, transparent and impactful.  

Herald and News (Klamath Falls)

The Herald and News is the major local journalistic news source in our region as it is the only daily newspaper in three of the four rural counties we cover in southern Oregon and northern California. The H&N, which got its start in 1906 when it was known as the Evening Herald, is a five-day a week print and online newspaper, with a strong social media presence, that also produces quarterly regional lifestyles magazines, as well as other special feature tabs.  

Green Bay Press-Gazette

The Press-Gazette has been Green Bay’s primary source of local news and information since 1915. We focus on delivering core local coverage essential for a healthy community and democracy as well as providing journalism readers can’t get anywhere else. The Press-Gazette is part of the USA Today Network, which has 11 newspapers in Wisconsin covering local news and working closely together on broader stories that are important to readers in every corner of Wisconsin.