Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting

The Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting is the state’s only independent, nonpartisan and collaborative nonprofit newsroom dedicated to statewide, data-driven investigative reporting. AZCIR holds powerful people and institutions accountable by exposing injustice and systemic inequities through investigative journalism.

Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post

The Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post is a 136-year-old publication in Gillespie County, Texas. Our publishing company also has produced a visitors guide magazine for the past 46 years, and publishes an award-winning wine and lifestyle magazine, plus assorted websites and an daily email newsletter. We strive to balance the needs of our traditional readers and the influx of new, entrepreneurial residents.

MPR News

MPR News was launched in 1973 to offer MPR listeners fact-based news they could trust. MPR News is now the second largest news organization in Minnesota and regarded as a leader in the nation’s public media news ecosystem. MPR News maintains a strategic commitment to Local Focus First with reporting from our St. Paul headquarters and six bureaus across the state. MPR News’ journalism and programming foster dialogue and celebrate the diversity and creativity that make Minnesota civic-minded and culturally vibrant.

The Greenwood Commonwealth

The Greenwood Commonwealth was founded in 1896 by James K. Vardaman, who later became the governor of Mississippi running as a white supremacist. Although the newspaper became more moderate under subsequent ownership, it wasn't until 1973, when it was purchased by John O. Emmerich Jr., that it became the community daily newspaper it is today. The Commonwealth continues the standards Emmerich set by covering the entire community in a fair, comprehensive and aggressive manner.

Arkansas Times

For 50 years, the Arkansas Times has delivered both mainstream and offbeat news with zest and heart. A progressive voice in a blood-red state, the Arkansas Times chronicles the real-world effects of conservative politics and policy in a poor Southern state. We're also the go-to source for food, arts and entertainment news.


Fresnoland is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization dedicated to making policy public for all residents of California’s central San Joaquin Valley.

Nashville Banner

The new Nashville Banner is a locally owned, community-supported nonprofit news organization that exists as a direct response to the decline of public service journalism in Tennessee. We’re on a mission to tell people something they didn’t already know, and to help them understand what’s at stake for the present and future of our ever-changing city. We deliver daily news that inspires our neighbors to act with agency.

The Maine Monitor

The nonprofit Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting publishes The Maine Monitor as a free digital publication to provide people in Maine with in-depth, nonpartisan, award-winning news which fills information gaps in investigative and rural reporting. Mainers in every county receive its newsletters and the newsroom supports Maine media by providing all of its reporting for free republication.

Baltimore Beat

Baltimore Beat is a Black-led, nonprofit newspaper dedicated to serving Baltimore's diverse communities with in-depth, community-focused journalism. Through initiatives like Beat Boxes and comprehensive election coverage, it engages youth voters, amplifies underrepresented voices, and tackles issues like police reform and social justice. With community outreach and impactful storytelling, it's committed to providing journalism that drives civic engagement and inspires change.

Gulf Coast Media

Gulf Coast Media publishes four newspapers in coastal Baldwin County, Alabama. Three are more than 100 years old. GCM is in Alabama’s fastest-growing county, where beaches attract tourists by the millions. Evolution is innate at GCM. Our print and digital products, harnessed with hyper-local reporting, aim to strengthen bonds at a grassroots level. Helping people – multi-generational residents, newcomers and visitors – feel connected to their home or haven through informative, thoughtful and fun storytelling leads the reins.