Report for America seeks military veterans

Let’s face it, journalism isn’t exactly the most glamorous of professions. It doesn’t always pay all that well. Not every story is exciting. And the stereotypes that lead to mistrust of the media? We’ll save that for another day. The truth is that journalism is a public service—an opportunity to inform the public while holding

Report for America adds 70 newsrooms, opens applications for more reporters

Nonprofit service program looks to grow reporting corps to 325 in 2022 (See the newly-selected newsrooms and beats here) Report for America today announced the selection of nearly 70 new host newsroom partners, while opening applications for approximately 150 new reporting corps positions, to help the national service program continue its growth, replace program graduates, and

Report for America opens newsroom applications, expands opportunity to hire more journalists

APPLY HERE National service program recruits talented, diverse reporters—helps fund salaries Report for America announced today that applications are now open for news organizations interested in partnering to host emerging and experienced journalists in their newsrooms for up to three years, beginning next summer.   Report for America is a national service program that places talented

Report for America joins coalition’s endorsement of bipartisan bill to preserve community journalism

Rebuild Local News, a coalition representing more than 3,000 local newsrooms, funders of local journalism, and civil society organizations advocating for a healthy free press—including Report for America—today placed its support behind the newly reintroduced Local Journalism Sustainability Act for the 117th Congress. Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) and Dan Newhouse (R-WA) introduced the bipartisan bill

Report for America joins call for Congress to include local news in infrastructure bill

A coalition representing more than 3,000 local newsrooms, funders of local journalism, and civil society organizations advocating for a healthy free press—including Report for America—today urged Congressional leaders to bolster support for America’s community news organizations in the infrastructure bill. “Local news is a pillar of democracy’s civic infrastructure — and it is crumbling,” began

Report for America expands, taps leading journalists for added regional leadership

Report for America is pleased to welcome three new corps excellence regional managers to its staff: Maria Elena Fernandez, Vincent McCraw and Amy Tardif. They will support the program’s expansion into an ever-growing number of newsrooms across the nation. These established, leading journalists will help recruit and mentor Report for America’s reporting corps members, strengthen

ChrisAnna Mink receives 2021 Service Project Award

ChrisAnna Mink was presented with the 2021 Report for America Service Project Award during this year’s corps member graduation ceremony. Not only did Mink help students learn about the fundamentals of journalism, she returned to work at a hospital amid the pandemic as a pediatric infectious diseases specialist. “ChrisAnna didn’t let the pandemic stop her