Report for America sustainability report offers hope as communities pitch in to save local news

Report for America today released Local News Philanthropy: Strong Signs of Positive Movement, a report on local sustainability and development efforts by the nonprofit program’s newsroom partners in 2020. The report underscores the fact that the demand by communities for local news is healthy—it’s the industry’s business model that must change. “It’s time for local

Report for America sustainability report offers hope for local news philanthropy as newsrooms raise 61% more per reporter

Report for America today announced that it will release its 2020 Local Newsroom Sustainability Report during the Knight Media Forum, hosted virtually by the Knight Foundation, March 2-4. The upcoming report includes the striking news that Report for America newsroom partners raised 61% more funding per reporter in 2020 than in 2019, jumping from a

Celebrating the Black Press

The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis last year reignited America’s racial reckoning with a momentum unseen since the embattled days of the Civil Rights Movement. As hundreds of thousands of protestors took to the streets nationwide, issues like police reform and the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities of color were brought to the forefront. Throughout